Let’s remember that everything comes from God and belongs to him. He is the one who sets the law and order in all his creation. We need to refer ourselves to him if we are to go along with what is proper in life, if we want to know what is true and false, what …
Human resources are priceless
The title came from a quote of Dhanin Chearavanont, the senior chairman of conglomerate Charoen Pokphand Group or CP for short. CP is one of the largest animal feed and livestock producers in the world and Thailand’s largest family enterprise dominating the agro-industrial, food, telecom, retail, automotive, and finance industries with annual sales turnover of …
Banish Anger Quickly
We get angry sometimes. Hopefully, it’s not very often. Truth is it’s not a pleasant state to be in. And there can be many reasons why we get angry. People commit mistakes, or they can offend us or simply irritate us and other reasons can come out ‘adinfinitum.’ Our usual reaction to these events is …
Don’t do this after brushing
Brush your teeth ideally after every meal or at least twice a day, in the morning and the evening. Because less saliva is produced while sleeping at night, the more residual fluoride that is left, on teeth, the more protection from acid-producing bacteria. Rinsing immediately after brushing. That’s a common mistake everyone makes, according to …
When in a crisis
When our government orders some drastic measures like lockdown or quarantine, etc., to tackle the problem of the coronavirus, we have to presume that things are studied well and that these extreme measures are resorted to with good measure of prudence—that is, to avoid a greater harm and damage to the people and to our …
What A Big Pity If…
No, we are not meant to suffer, and suffering is not God’s will for us. Our suffering is always self-inflicted which God allows to happen because he respects our freedom, no matter how much we abuse it. Indeed, we have to admit that we practically are all cowering in fear and anxiety, and suffering from …
Farewell, PNoy
PNoy passed away on June 24 at the age of 61. Like any man and like any President, he had his share of flaws. But I wish to remember him for his better qualities. He was humble, dignified, straightforward in manner and speech, and most important for me as a Filipino, he defended our patrimony. …
Back to the dark ages?
Yes, we have to learn to detach ourselves from time, whether it is the prehistoric era, ancient, dark ages, medieval, modern or contemporary time. More precisely said, while we live in time, we have to learn to transcend it, setting our mind and heart always on eternity where we are meant to be in our …
Hating Father’s Day
Whether real or imagined, as the pressure to share power to the offspring builds, the founder starts resisting loosening his or her hold on power. Eventually the child rebels against the constant intrusions, whimsical demands and broken promises of retirement on the part of the founder. Setting the stage for leadership change is a frustrating …
Beware of self-seeking
We just have to make sure that whatever we do, it should always be for the glory of God. Yes, as usually happens, it can be implied that we are actually glorifying God in whatever we are doing even if our immediate motive is something that is human and legitimate. We have to be wary …