TechFest underway in Bacolod City

Posted by watchmen
April 25, 2017

The #BCDTechFest is currently underway, offering a series of information and communications technology (ICT) workshops and lectures, seeking to expand opportunities for ICT teachers, graduates, and professionals.
The event, which runs until Friday, April 28, features the Women TechMakers Meetup at the University of Saint La Salle (USLS) and the Python Code Camp by DevCon Philippines at the Carlos Hilado Memorial State College, both taking place today.
The Python Code Camp will visit USLS tomorrow, April 26.
On Thursday, April 27, Gurango Software CEO Joey Gurango will hold a forum for students at La Consolacion College-Bacolod (LCC).
On the final day of the event, April 28, ICT consultant Beat Walter will facilitate a Team and Program Management Workshop at the DTI Negosyo Center.
BNeFIT executive director Jocelle Sigue believes events like this will improve the city and the province’s position in the ICT industry, especially in software and non-voice services./WDJ

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