By Tara Yap
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Undersecretary Flor Villar opened the 22nd senior officials committee meeting for the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC), yesterday, at the Iloilo Convention Center.
She addressed the group by highlighting its priorities.
“I would like to underscore two priorities which concern the ASCC pillars, a people-oriented and people-centered ASEAN and ASEAN’s resiliency,” Villar said.
The meeting, which wraps today, will receive updates on plans on implementation of the ASEAN Declaration for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers, along with a declaration on the role of civil service as a catalyst to “achieve ASEAN Community Vision 2025.”
Villar also mentioned activities scheduled to begin in June 2017, including an ASEAN conference on social protection, a cross regional meeting to advance the protection of children from violence, a conference on nutrition and breastfeeding, and a traditional medicine conference./WDJ