No petition filed; Comelec logs no petitions vs. nuisance bets in NegOcc

Posted by watchmen
October 18, 2024
Posted in HEADLINE

The Commission on Elections (Comelec) in Negros Occidental has not received any petition declaring some candidates for the 2025 midterm elections nuisances.

Provincial Election Supervisor Atty. Ian Lee Ananoria said no one filed petitions to disqualify aspirants running for local positions in the upcoming polls.

However, Comelec-NegOcc received many inquiries from voters about the process of declaring a candidate a nuisance.

Ananoria clarified that they don’t have the authority to receive such petitions.

He said petitions for disqualification against a candidate who is believed to be a nuisance must be received directly by Comelec-Central Office through email or walk-in.

The petition will be decided by the Comelec en banc.

The last day for filing a petition to declare a nuisance candidate is on Wednesday, October 16, after it was rescheduled from Monday, October 14.

Comelec Chairman George Garcia announced earlier that they will resolve cases involving nuisance candidates for the upcoming elections by November of this year.

The filing of certificates of candidacy (COCs) was conducted from October 1 to 8.

The Omnibus Election Code defines a nuisance candidate as one who files COC without genuine intent to run, often creating confusion among voters, especially if they share a name with legitimate candidates, which can undermine the credibility of the election process.


Comelec yet to appoint RJPSCC head

The Comelec-NegOcc has yet to appoint someone to head the Regional Joint Peace and Order Security Coordinating Council (RJPSCC) for the Negros Island Region (NIR).

In a radio interview, Comelec-NIR Regional Election Director Atty. Lionel Marco Castillano said the Comelec-NegOcc has yet to respond which members of the Philippine National Police will join the RJPSCC.

Castillano added that it is a good thing that the Department of the Interior and Local Government has already appointed a regional director for the NIR.

He hopes that the Philippine National Police in NIR will also have their regional director./WDJ

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