Trinity Sunday

Posted by watchmen
August 6, 2021
Posted in OPINION

Like the Father, we should be full of goodness, doing things with total gratuity. Like the Son, we should try to do good perfectly in the truth, providing with the best pattern of how we ought to be and of how we ought to do things, including the way of restoring them in case they get damaged. Like the Holy Spirit, we should persevere in doing good all the way to the end, sanctifying everything that we touch.

The Solemnity of the Blessed Trinity reminds us of the most important mystery of our faith, the source of all the other truths and mysteries of our faith, that we are supposed to reflect also in our own life. That is because as image and likeness of God in which we have been created, we cannot but participate in this most sublime reality of the very life of God. 

Our life is never just a purely human life, governed only by biology and the other laws of nature. It has an eminently supernatural dimension to which we are enabled due to our spiritual powers, and actualized because God himself gives us his grace.

We just have to learn to live with this tremendous mystery of our life. We may try to fathom it, but we already know that it is unfathomable. We can try to decode it, which we should always do no matter how impossible.

In the end what we should do is just to make an act of faith, perhaps repeating the prayers dedicated to the Blessed Trinity that would somehow insert us in the dynamic of the mystery, a very special and unique experience that beggars description.

There’s the “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit…,” a rather short prayer that can easily be recited anytime. But there’s also a longer one, the Angelic Trasagion that articulates more the beauty and content of the Blessed Trinity without making it any less a mystery.

We should spend time meditating on this mystery and continue to draw some practical resolutions. Its inexplicability and unfathomability should not deter us but rather spur us to go deeper into it.

Such meditations would actually give us a peculiar sensation of being in a divinely-led adventure.

We have to learn to know how to deal with each of the three persons of the Blessed Trinity, for that would shape our life properly, starting with our thoughts and desires, then our words and deeds.

We are told that the three persons are one God in an eternal relation among themselves due to the eternal knowing and loving that drives the very being of God. The Father cannot be without the Son and the Holy Spirit. The same with the Son and the Holy Spirit—they cannot be without the other persons.

Let’s make this mystery the abiding impetus to our endless knowing and loving in this world. This is what is proper to us, since we are the image and likeness of God. We should rise above our own way of knowing and loving. It’s the mystery of the Blessed Trinity that shows us how to know and love.

Like the Father, we should be full of goodness, doing things with total gratuity. Like the Son, we should try to do good perfectly in the truth, providing with the best pattern of how we ought to be and of how we ought to do things, including the way of restoring them in case they get damaged. Like the Holy Spirit, we should persevere in doing good all the way to the end, sanctifying everything that we touch.

There can be many and endless considerations we can make when we meditate on this mystery. This mystery should be brought to bear on our daily affairs. It should not be restricted to purely intellectual, speculative and theoretical musings, done in our ivory towers. To be sure, it is always relevant and can give us very practical ideas and initiatives.

Just the same, the mystery will always remain a mystery. We just have to learn to live with it, always attracted to it and constantly drawing practical ideas.

What can be helpful is to grow in our devotion to Our Lady who is the best model of how to deal with the three persons of the Blessed Trinity, she being the dutiful daughter of God the Father, loving mother of the Son, and the faithful spouse of the Holy Spirit!/WDJ








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