By Rizza June D. Castillon, R.N.
As the world is confronted with an invisible enemy, we are now living in a distinctively vulnerable situation because of Covid-19.

As our world becomes perilous and unsafe, our feelings are uncertain and we are terrified. Our life is clothed with fear and anxiety. So, how could we survive?
The virus changes the world. It’s a global pandemic that threatens our health and lifestyle. What we are facing right now gives us not just an opportunity to build a different future for ourselves and for other people but it also pulls us together as humans.
Covid-19 gives the world a universal language that any of us can understand. A language that we can grasp instantly regardless of who we are that will connect us back where we started: our mindfulness as individuals and understanding how nature is important for humanity.
With a sudden loss of sight in the outside world, with countries and communities closing their borders, joblessness increasing by the minute, apparent shortages of medical frontliners in health institutions and limited movement and empty spaces – our REALM was put into hold.
Yes! Our life was placed into grip but these situations gave us something new which we will never forget. It gave us the chance to invite everything inside our homes. Before this pandemic, it was far from possible to do so much INSIDE, but COVID did. It gave us the balance and it restored kindness and relationships. It gave us the realization that there is MORE INSIDE us.
However, in dealing with this NEW STRANGE WORLD, we need each other because we cannot do this alone. We can’t fight this alone. Covid rekindled relationships and reestablished connections. It provided us a venue to LEAN and to LEARN from each other. Through other people, we were able to pick up some new ways. We learn to reach out even in silence. We learn to ask help even we can do more. We learn to listen even in quietness and we learn to heal even in grief. We learned because amidst this risky and dangerous world, we have each other. We need to keep each other.
This whole process, the brokenness of everyone into divided particles because of distress, sorrow and suffering, the tearing apart into pieces of life, love and faith will slowly turn into a whole new puzzle and the oneness of everyone will flourish in perfect accord eventually. We just need to be connected because WE ARE EACH OTHER’S KEEPER./WDJ