Four inmates escaped from Police Station 3 (PS3) in Bacolod City’s Barangay Mandalagan early yesterday morning. In a message sent by Bacolod City Police Office (BCPO) spokesperson, Police Lt. Colonel Ariel Pico, the escapees were identified as Sunny Capa, Ely Lorence, Michael Peñoso, and Jeffrey Elangos.
According to the police official, Peñoso, Capa, and Lorence were detained on drug-related offenses, while Elangos was being held on child abuse charges.
Based on initial investigations by the BCPO, the inmates escaped by cutting through the jail cell’s iron bars with a saw blade.
The tool was later discovered by duty jailer, Police Staff Sergeant Eric Olverio, and desk officer, Police Corporal Orwayne Jade.
The BCPO is still conducting a follow-up investigation, while PS3 has been ordered to conduct a manhunt operation./DGB, WDJ