SSS covers nearly 216,000 JOs, contractual workers; collects P2.18B contributions

Posted by watchmen
October 7, 2019

The state-run Social Security System (SSS) over the weekend said nearly 216,000 job order and contractual workers were covered as members of the pension fund under its KaltaSSS-Collect program by the end of June this year.

SSS President and Chief Executive Officer Aurora C. Ignacio said SSS has already collected P2.18 billion worth of contributions from the JOs and contractual employees.

It is broken down into over 151,000 members from local government units (LGUs) remitted P1.45 million; almost 51,000 members from national government agencies (NGAs) paid P620 million; more than 10,000 members from state universities and colleges (SUCs) remitted P73 million; and over 3,200 members from local water districts (LWDs) paid P31 million.

“Many government institutions and other professional organizations now recognize the importance of providing adequate safety nets to their JOs and contractual workers through SSS membership,” Ignacio said.

“These workers are not entitled to Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) benefits that regular employees usually enjoyed. Given the lack of security of tenure, these workers need something to rely on in times of contingencies such as sickness, maternity, disability, job loss, old age, and death. SSS as their savings will be there to help them whenever they needed it,” Ignacio added.

Under the KaltaSSS-Collect Program, participating agencies and groups will serve as collecting partners of the pension fund upon signing of the memorandum of agreement with SSS. JOs and contractual workers shall be registered as self-employed members while their respective agencies shall be responsible for remitting their monthly contributions through salary deduction scheme.

From January to June this year, the pension fund collected P326.29 million from more than 22,000 newly registered members, which grew by almost 10 percent from the P297.09 million collection from the same period of last year.

“We expect that we could cover more individuals under the KaltaSSS-Collect Program. In fact, we recently signed a memorandum of agreement with the Philippine Sports Commission for social security coverage of national athletes, coaches, and trainers,” Ignacio added.

Under the SSS-PSC MOA, monthly contributions of national athletes, coaches, and trainers shall be deducted from their allowances. With the regular remittance of their monthly premiums, newly covered members will soon avail of SSS benefits and privileges based on the qualifying conditions.

The SSS chief also encouraged other agencies and groups to join the KaltaSSS-Collect Program for coverage of self-employed professionals. “These hardworking people, regardless of their appointment status, deserve to have job security through SSS membership. So please don’t hesitate to coordinate with our office for further inquiries,” Ignacio concluded.

For further information, interested agencies, units, and organization may contact the SSS Professional Sector Department through telephone numbers (02) 435-9893 and (02) 920-6401 loc. 5756. (PR)

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