SSS to provide unemployment benefits

Posted by watchmen
August 22, 2019

The Social Security System (SSS) announced on Monday they would be extending benefits to those who have been involuntarily separated from employment.
“Unemployment insurance, or involuntary separation benefit, intends to provide SSS members who are involuntarily separated from employment with a temporary source of income to support themselves and their families while they are [in] the process of finding a new job,” explained SSS CEO and President Aurora C. Ignacio.
The policy is in line with RA 11199, or the Social Security Act of 2018, which calls for providing eligible beneficiaries a cash benefit equivalent to half of their average monthly salary credit for a maximum of two months.
In order to be eligible, SSS members must have paid at least 36 monthly contributions, 12 of which should have been paid within an 18-month period prior to the month of involuntary separation.
In addition, separation must not be the fault of the employee or a result of the employee’s negligence.
“A covered employee who is involuntarily separated can only claim unemployment insurance or involuntary separation benefit once every three years, starting from the date of involuntary separation,” Ignacio pointed out. “In the case of concurrence of two or more compensable contingencies within the same compensable period, only the highest benefit shall be paid.”/WDJ


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