Sipalay City struck by minor earthquake yesterday

Posted by watchmen
August 5, 2019

Sipalay City was struck by a 2.5-magnitude earthquake yesterday afternoon.
According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, the tremor, which struck at 3:09 p.m., was pinpointed just north of the Negros Occidental city.
A subsequent bulletin revealed there were no damages as a result of the quake nor were there aftershocks expected.
Last month, two earthquakes recorded within 34 minutes of each other were detected in the vicinity of Sipalay City,
The first incident, a 3.2-magnitude tremor, occurred just north of the locality at 12:09 a.m.; while the second quake, which measured 2.9 in magnitude, also struck north of the city and was detected around 12:43 a.m.
Quakes ranging between 1.0 and 3.0 in magnitude are often classified as a Level 1 on the Mercalli Intensity Scale, where the tremor goes almost undetected; meanwhile, those that range between 3.0 and 3.9 in magnitude are considered between a Level II and III, where a few people feel the tremor, particularly those on the upper floors of buildings./WDJ

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