“…When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field’…” –Matthew 9:36-38
The plan by the Philippine National Police (PNP) to teach “moral values” to personnel is a good idea. There is a need to teach police (along with the military and everybody else in the country) rudimentary “moral values.” However, what system of teaching does the PNP plan to implement? Who will teach these lessons?
If the police will be in charge of teaching, there are many officers who have displayed a skewed sense of morality. When I was a police reporter in the late 1970s, many police officers had lovers, whom they referred to as “301s;” the number would increase sequentially based on how many lovers a police officer had.
Additionally, many of the PNP rank-and-file are enamored with gold—watches, bracelets, rings, pendants, earrings; even their lovers were often adorned in gold.
Where does it all come from? The National Police Commission (Napolcom) may want to visit police stations, especially those in Metro Manila. I am certain Napolcom officials would struggle finding parking spaces as station parking lots are filled to the brim police officers’ personal vehicles. I would bet, when a lifestyle check is ordered, many high-ranking officials would be found living in posh residences, running profitable businesses, and with children studying at expensive schools.
While there are police officers committed to their oath of public service, it is likely the total number can be counted on one’s hands and feet. This is the reason why it would be a mockery if police were in charge of teaching “moral values.”
There are already preachers and those affiliated with Christian churches sharing the principles of life with police on a regular basis. These are the people needed; those able to expand their work based on the Word of God.
Reactions? Please call 0977-805-9058, 0918-574-0193, or 0933-825-1308; message me on Facebook at Melanio Lazo Mauricio, Jr. or attybatas; or email batasmauricio@yahoo.com or mmauriciojr111@gmail.com/WDJ