“…’Very truly I tell you,’ Jesus answered, ‘Before Abraham was born, I am!’…” –John 8:58
I am urging the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte, before beginning the importation of pork (which Department of Agriculture Secretary Manny Piñol appears to be proposing), take an honest-to-goodness inventory of the country’s real need for pork from now until the holidays; what is the exact number of pigs needed? Piñol and his department must also clarify the current supply and demand in order to prove an urgent need to import.
The concern is, once a permit is granted for importation, it can be exploited for smuggling, along with the entry of “double dead” meat.
Hog farmers also feel their viability and profitability is at risk if pork is imported. The domestic industry believes they have enough to provide for the country throughout the Christmas season but, as I have been told, the move towards importation would favor the privileged few who are close to the powers that be.
From John 8 of the Holy Bible comes another declaration from Jesus that He is God the Father. In John 8:58, Jesus directly said, in the presence of the Jews who were bothered by His teachings, that He, Jesus, is “I Am”. As we all know by now, “I Am” refers to God, the One who came down to earth from heaven to save His people, Israel, from their 400 years of slavery in Egypt (see Exodus 3).
Jesus earlier declared He is “I Am”, or God the Father, in John 8:24 and 28, where He warned the Israelites that they would die without their sins having been forgiven (and thus making them eligible to enter hell in eternity) if they did not believe that He, Jesus, is God the Father whose Name is “I Am”, who is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
In John 8:58, Jesus clarified that even before Abraham was born, He, Jesus, who was during those times not yet 50 years of age according to human standards in reckoning age here on earth, was actually already there before Abraham. This was so because Jesus was “I Am”. The Jews refused to accept this statement of Jesus. Because of that, they tried to kill Him by stoning Him, but they didn’t succeed in doing so.
A follow-up question from Bhelle Merene (bhellemerene.14@gmail.com): “Do I need to spend for a criminal case? I am asking this because I do not have enough money for this.” For the benefit of readers, here was Bhelle’s first problem: “God afternoon, Sir. I wish to ask about a problem I first referred to the barangay. They have already given me a CFA (Certification to File Action in court). What should be my next step now so I can continue with my complaint and secure justice over the pain that was caused to me by someone who posted in his FB account many unsavory things against me…”
In my answer to this first question, I said Bhelle could file a case in court after she was given the CFA from the barangay.
Bhelle’s question now asks will there be expenses if she eventually filed her case? In criminal cases, there is no filing fee for the filing of a case before the fiscal’s office for purposes of a preliminary investigation. The criminal cases can be filed directly with the fiscal’s offices even if the complainant does not pay any filing fee. However, if the complainant seeks the payment of damages and his criminal cases that involve damages are finally filed in court, that is where a filing fee would be required.
FOR QUESTIONS, REACTIONS: If anyone would like to ask me any question about what the burning issues of the day mean, or what we have discussed here, or to consult on any problem, whatever it maybe, please call 0917 984 24 68, or email me at batasmauricio@yahoo.com, or post your concerns at www.facebook.com/attybatas. Promise, I will answer right away. Thank God in the Name of Jesus, Amen!/WDJ