In a message by Capiz Governor Antonio del Rosario during the recent opening of the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Week Trade Expo, which was delivered by Capiz Local Economic Investment and Promotion Officer Ronald So, he credited MSMEs for promoting a “Capiznon identity.”
“Without the MSME sector, without the innovation it takes to nurture the growth of businesses, what we have today will never be possible,” he explained.
The event features 45 exhibitors presenting local food products, crafts, and horticulture.
Last April, the Capiz Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), in collaboration with the Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship, announced the launching of their Kapatid Mentor ME (KMME) Program, which would provide 22 MSMEs mentoring from industry experts.
The program was initially launched in 2016, which ran for 11 weeks and highlighted different aspects of entrepreneurship./WDJ