“The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.” –Thomas Jefferson
I salute the 67 percent of Filipinos who reject the proposed shift to federalism, according to a recent Social Weather Station survey. The country is waking up, thinking logically, and aware – the population has become vigilant and will torpedo such sinister attempts to change the country into ambiguous territory.
Not only that. By rejecting federalism, Filipinos will also oppose any move to cannibalize and distort the Constitution with no justification. Some of those looking to rearrange the foundation of laws are from political dynasties with personal interests.
There is no need to change the charter
Our democracy has survived since the Constitution was drafted in 1987. Through the holistic document, Filipinos have prevented totalitarian dictatorships, mob rule, invasion, and full-scale Martial Law. The current Constitution has been an effective watchdog for our democratic institutions and guides our basic rights and freedom.
It’s the “best Constitution in the world,” according to former Supreme Court Justice Hilario Davide, Jr., who helped draft the charter. It’s pro-poor, pro-women, pro-family, and pro-life, he affirmed.
Taxes on the poor will double, triple
Filipinos are afraid of federalism because they do not want to experiment with a monster that will only bloat the bureaucracy by creating 18 federal regions, which will expand poverty. According to experts, the system will impose double and triple taxes on the poor.
Proponents for federalism have not provided the public with an information campaign, with plans to shove federalism down the throats of Filipinos.
Between a unitary system “run like hell” by elected leaders and a federal system that is a haven for dictators and their lapdogs in parliament, I prefer hell over risky, divisive, and suicidal federalism./WDJ