I used two question marks when referring to the primary infrastructure program of the President Rodrigo Duterte administration because it appears some government departments have such excessive budgets, they do not know how to utilize the funds.
Take the case of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), where the president called the attention of DPWH Secretary Mark Villar on reported delays on projects.
Over coffee at a mall café, a lawyer said, “People are suspicious DPWH engineers are hesitant to reprimand or remind contractors to fast track projects.” A teacher added, many have noticed Villar does not send press releases, conduct interviews about his department’s projects, nor provide updates on his department’s performance.
“Those traveling to the Iloilo Sports Complex are so dismayed over the slow completion of that very narrow road that connects the two districts,” a resident of Iloilo City noted. “They even failed to widen the road when, in fact, they should break the wall of the complex to widen the road link.”
“Are the engineers of the department not passionate to tell contractors not to let motorists suffer?” they asked.
A teacher from Bago City mentioned a bridge in their locality that needed widening but, instead, DPWH proceeded to build a new bridge besides it in order to keep the existing structure in operation.
“That is common sense which is not common nowadays,” they added.
The teacher asked, “Is the department monitoring if contractors are using the correct mixture of cement and gravel for highways?”
DPWH officials are not serious in taking action against overloaded sugarcane trucks. They are responsible for checking their weight, while the Land Transportation Office issues tickets and collects fines incumbent on the overloading analysis, which is done by DPWH.
To SM City Bacolod Mall Manager George Jardiolin, there are not enough umbrella boys to attend to shoppers when it rains.
In addition, while the mall is building a hotel next door and putting up a sign that reads, “Hotel Construction, Sorry for the Inconvenience,” why apologize when there is no convenience? The sign should read, “Hotel Construction, Soon Another Convenience.”
Filipinos are fond of apologizing, George.
Dhadha, a blogger, informed me Bacolod-Silay Airport is now broadcasting news and television programs. Thank you to whoever realized one of the things travelers need.
This column greet Harold Geronimo, Natalie Lim, Artemio Colmedora, Armand Agdon, Emmanuel Tiples, Marlon Navarro, Vivian Canonero, Joemari Moriente, Kim Jimenez, Rey Balaan, Robert Javellana, JC Clavecillas, and Vanni Teves./WDJ