More support for Negrense coconut farmers sought

Posted by watchmen
March 7, 2018

An award-winning coconut farmer-producer in Negros Occidental stressed the need for more government support to farmers to expand the country’s coconut sugar industry.

Antonio Jesus Orbida, executive director of PeacePond Farmers Association based in Binalbagan, Negros Occidental, said over the weekend that coco sugar production in Negros is still minimal due to several factors.

Orbida, a member of the Associated Coconut Farmers of Negros Occidental and a regional Gawad Saka awardee as outstanding coconut farmer, said there are only a few groups who know how to produce the product.

The Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) should teach these groups, he said, adding that “the problem is there are still no organized coconut associations on the ground.”

Deputy Speaker Sharon Garin of AAMBIS-OWA partylist had earlier said there is a need to craft measures that would promote the proliferation of coconut sugar industry and improve its export performance.

Garin said aside from its high nutritional value, coco sugar has rising export demand and is exempted from the additional excise tax on sweetened products.

Under the Tax Reform Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law, an excise tax of PHP6 per liter of volume capacity for sweetened beverages using purely caloric sweeteners and purely non-caloric sweeteners, or a mix of both, is imposed.

A provision in the measure, however, excludes sweetened beverages using purely coconut sap sugar and purely steviol glycosides (stevia).

Orbida said they laud the push for tax exemption on coco sugar.

However, other measures should also be considered.

“If the government has foresight, we should be planting new coconut varieties. Let us plant dwarf coconut trees which are not hard to reach,” he said.

Orbida said dwarf coconuts are harvestable in four to five years time and could grow from six to 12 feet so even children and women can harvest.

These coconut varieties for coco sugar production are already available in research stations of PCA in Bohol and Zamboanga, he said.

However, farmers in Negros have to shoulder the shipping cost of these seedlings from those areas./WDJ



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