“People will make mean comments. People are going to say that you’re fat, that you’re this, that you’re that. You just have to be comfortable in your own skin.” –Ashley Benson
Do we treat someone shabbily because he or she is overweight or fat?
There are jeepney – and even taxi – drivers in the Philippine who refuse to take passengers that “occupy two seats” per body because of their “over” weight or “big” size.
We have laws against discrimination, of course, and our friends in this subject matter should be equally covered and protected by these laws.
The old expression “Laugh and grow fat” leads many to believe that fat people are always happy.
One reason for this saying may be that the extra fatty tissue under their skin makes their frowns and worry lines less noticeable.
But psychologists claim that overweight people are usually far from happy. So let us not add to their “burden” by being truculent toward their “extra baggage.”
Experts are saying that sometimes the glands or chemical make-up of the body need medical attention. Or, excess weight may be due to upset emotions caused by a lack of love, a feeling of not being wanted, or some frustration.
Another popular (or unpopular?) saying is, “Fat people are lazy.”
But we know now that laziness affects fat and thin alike. A fleshy person appears lazy because his movements are slowed up by the weight he carries.
Hundreds of seemingly lazy people, both thin and fat, have been cured when fitted with the proper eye-glasses, it was learned.
Others have gained energy after they have had medical care like someone I know who frequently plays chess in the Elmhurst park here.
A third fallacy in regard to fat people is that there are more fat boys than girls. Statistics, however, show the number is about equal./WDJ