About half a million Jehovah’s Witnesses and interested ones in the country will attend 142 three-day Bible conventions in various cities and towns in June, July and August this year.
The first such gathering will be held on June 2-4 at the Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Novaliches, Quezon City. Eleven others will follow weekly in the same venue for these Christians living in Metro Manila and Bulacan with some 5,000 expected to attend each week.
One hundred thirty more regional conventions are scheduled throughout the country with the last 11 conventions to be held on August 18-20.
According to Danilo Calso, spokesman of the Witnesses, this year marks the first time that these conventions in the Philippines will be held simultaneously with those in the United States. “Actually, close to 15 million Witnesses and interested ones in 240 countries will be attending these assemblies featuring the same Bible-based program,” Calso added.
Overall theme of this year’s Bible seminars is, “Don’t Give Up!” Calso said that the theme is timely as it focuses on how one can remain hopeful today despite difficulties resulting from widespread addiction and criminality, terrorism and violence and graft and corruption in government. “Bible teachings and principles will be highlighted to show how one can cultivate qualities that promote endurance, at the same time keep faith and hope” Calso pointed out.
On Friday, the program will revolve on the apostle Paul’s call to Christians at Galatians 6: 9: “Let us not give up in doing what is fine.” This will be highlighted by the chairman of the convention in his keynote address entitled, “We Must Not Give Up-Especially Now!,” and will set the tone for succeeding discussions, symposia and video presentations through the three days.
A three-part drama entitled, “Remember the Wife of Lot,” is an exciting feature presented each day of the convention.
On Saturday, following a Bible-based talk, “Do Not Give in to Fear,” some 5,000 new Witnesses will be baptized through water immersion at these conventions. These newly-ordained ministers rejoice at being able to obey Jesus’s command to “preach the good news of the Kingdom” by engaging in house-to-house ministry.
On Sunday, the public discourse entitled, “Never Give Up Hope!,” will be delivered as a fitting climax to the faith-strengthening 2017 worldwide series of regional conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses.(End)