Cauayan man dies from dog bite, neighbors vaccinated after eating the dog Regional DOH unit deployed to investigate possible rabies outbreak

Posted by watchmen
April 1, 2017

By Paulo Loreto Lim

Earlier this week, 65-year-old Basilio Ponce of Barangay Isyu, Cauayan, Negros Occidental died after being bitten by a suspected rabid dog, meanwhile, his neighbors were also vaccinated after reportedly eating the said dog.
His death marks the second such death in the municipality in March, which prompted the Department of Health (DOH) to deploy its regional unit to investigate for a potential rabies outbreak.
“With the two deaths reported to be suspected of rabies, we cannot declare an outbreak yet,” said Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Ernell Tumimbang.
However, the Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO) declared a rabies outbreak, despite recent dog vaccinations and information drives conducted throughout the area.
According to Tumimbang, “Only the DOH can do the declaration,” explaining the regional unit will make the final determination following the investigation./WDJ

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