Communications Secretary slams western media for ‘irresponsible reporting’

Posted by watchmen
March 25, 2017
Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Secretary Martin Andanar criticized western media for “irresponsible reporting” on alleged extrajudicial killings, in a speech yesterday morning during the Association of Southeast Asian Nations-PCOO (ASEAN-PCOO) Roadshow at the Sugarland Hotel. (PIO photo)

By Dominique Gabriel G. Bañaga

Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Secretary Martin Andanar criticized western media for “irresponsible reporting” on alleged extrajudicial killings, in a speech yesterday morning during the Association of Southeast Asian Nations-PCOO (ASEAN-PCOO) Roadshow at the Sugarland Hotel.
“We all know what the western media is writing,” he stated. “They are claiming 7,000 people have died as a result of extrajudicial killings, while the Philippine National Police (PNP) reports 2,000 – who are you going to believe, the PNP or the western media?”
“The western media is trying to topple our government,” Andanar added. “Everything good the Duterte administration has done they are ignoring, and what they are reporting is fake news.”
He said the PCOO is doubling efforts to combat “fake news.”
The communications secretary also encouraged the public to take a more active role in taking down graft and corruption by utilizing the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act.
Andanar noted the People’s Television network (PTV) will soon be digitalized and would soon be divided into three channels, including “Radyo ng Bayan,” where the public can air their complaints about government corruption; Salaam and Lumad channel for the country’s Muslim and indigenous populace; and an exclusive channel to discuss agriculture, federalism, and other issues concerning the administration.
The roadshow highlights significant government milestones by the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte, including ASEAN Summit 2017, the presidential task force on media security, FOI, and social media’s role in a participative government.
The event was attended by members of the local media, various stakeholders, and journalism students from different high schools, colleges, and universities in Bacolod City./WDJ


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