“We know of success stories of individuals driven by traumatic experiences in their early lives as well as of people who changed from bad to good as a result of getting to the bottom at some point in their lives.” Sometimes a particular experience would serve as a spark to ignite a person to change …
What’s next after MGCQ?
Time swiftly passed by and it’s already the last month of the year. Most of us are looking forward to celebrate Christmas in whatever means we can afford. Christmas parties are out of sight as per declaration of the government. Even family gathering and rejoicing this yuletide season is controlled due to a legitimate reason …
Laying the basis for takeover?
In a memorandum issued last Dec. 4, the National Telecommunications Commission directed all public telecommunications entities and internet service providers to ensure very little disruption and downtime of their services this holiday season. Commissioner Gamaliel Cordoba of the NTC issued the memorandum purportedly in anticipation of a surge in internet traffic “considerably due to the …
Eat right
The right amount of food, we know, is important to good health. We should also know that the type and amount of food that we consume is also important to good oral health. Too little or too much of food ultimately affects our well-being. To be exact about it, malnutrition – too little or too …
Let’s build a beautiful world
This should be our burning desire. And we should put all our strength in this direction. To be sure, it is for the good of all. Yes, we can and should build a beautiful world. But we have to start with our own selves, and then from us, let’s spread the fever around. And by …
Strategic Planning 2021
I was happy with the turnout in last October’s webinar event entitled “Strategic Plan 2021: Setting The Stage For A Major Comeback!” More than 200 high profile and high net worth business owners and their management teams spread across Asia dropped everything for 3.5 hours to be with us! It was a privileged sharing the …
We are not just ‘dust in the wind’
It was the ‘70s. I was still in my early professional life and in the middle of some gripping spiritual discovery. At that time, I was battling in the area of humility. When in your growing years you are often regarded as very special by the family, relatives and friends, you cannot help but get …
So’s win over Carlsen eclipses Rockefeller’s $3-M donation
“In life, as in chess, forethought wins.” – Charles Buxton Before Filipino-American Grandmaster Wesley So’s (2741) head-turning victory over world chess champion Magnus Carlsen (2881) in the blitz playoff Champions Chess Tour Skilling Open in Cyber Monday (November 30), the world chess community was agog over John D. Rockefeller V’s $3 million donation to the …
In Mapandan, Pangasinan, a different kind of cyclists are cruising along lonely rural roads. The riders are dentists, pedaling their merry way along winding backroads. “Bisekwela” is an outreach project launched September 10 by the Philippine Dental Association (PDA) Pangasinan Chapter to reach far-flung villages down to the sitio level. The initiative is a collaboration …
Keep the music playing
I am referring to our relationship with God. We always have to find ways of how to keep that relationship strong, vibrant and abiding, one that would truly bring us in such an intimate contact with God, our Father and Creator, that we would vividly know his will at every moment and would love to …