In time for the National Women’s Month last month, the Ayala Enterprise Circle (AEC), in cooperation with BPI Business Banking, held an all-women entrepreneurs’ forum titled, “Leading Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy.” A distinguished panel of women leaders came together to discuss both the challenging and rewarding roles of being an entrepreneur in the …
The Family Get-Togethers
The heads of family should take the initiative to organize these get-togethers where all the members, from the oldest to the youngest, can participate as actively as possible. Regular absenteeism of some members, especially the heads, should be avoided. Often overshadowed by what we consider to be more important concerns, like those in our professional …
The root cause of failed leadership
For us to overcome any adversity, it is important that we challenge the status quo and try different approaches to the problems that we confront in our lives. So yes, the phrase widely credited to Einstein holds true not just for our government leaders but for all of us. The country is once again being …
Where to find effectiveness
Thus, prayer is not just about saying vocal prayers and making novenas and other special acts. It is more a matter of awareness, of attitude, of lifting our mind and heart to God in a stable manner. It lends itself to endless ways, forms and manners. We can even pray when we are asleep. In …
Changing the world, one mouth at a time
The lack of access to health care is an issue common in India. Because of this limited access, gum diseases are common, a situation also found in developing countries where health care coverage is limited. A tasty way to unlock the mysteries of oral diseases. That’s the dream of Wichita State Professor David McDonald and …
Accepting whatever God gives
With God, everything is taken care of. What we cannot take care, God will do it for us. Of course, God’s ways are not our ways. They may differ greatly from what we like to happen, but definitely God will take care of everything. I was very moved and impressed when a young man, now …
Another option against COVID 19?
Ivermectin is a drug under the Essential Medicines List of both the Philippine FDA and the World Health Organization (WHO). However, it must be emphasized that it was approved as an anti-parasitic VETERINARY medicine. The recent alarming upsurge of COVID-19 in the country, the very slow arrival of approved vaccines and the consequent delay in …
Mental case or demonic possession?
But we should never forget that the psychological and mental mechanism of a person is steeped in his spiritual dimension that can lead him either to the supernatural or infranatural world. It cannot be studied from the point of view of empirical science alone. It has to input the truths of faith to enable it …
Symptoms of a failed leadership, Part 2
But a company is as good or bad as its leaders so the real fault lies on those who run them. It was clear that the senior management team also overlooked business fundamentals. Either they were complacent or shortsighted or both. You can get away with a great deal when times are good, but a …
AI and teledentistry
New AI technology is emerging in the form of “self-monitoring” mobile applications, said Webb. Teledentistry or distant dentistry provides affordable, effective, and efficient ways to bring oral health care. “If you can take a selfie, you can start a consultation.’’ This is from Alicia Webb, a registered Dental Hygienist with a Master of Science in …