By Herman M. Lagon In the modern workplace, it is not uncommon to come across people whose conduct jeopardizes the unity and efficiency of the group. These are the toxic coworkers — people whose deeds and attitudes have the power to spread negativity to everyone in their immediate area. It takes more than just …
Mapping the soul of our islands
By Herman M. Lagon As I find myself halfway through a weeklong journey of cultural mapping training at INA Farm in Barotac Nuevo, the significance of our mission has never been more apparent. We are here, over a hundred strong, diving deep into the heart of Iloilo’s 4th and 5th districts, part of a larger …
Widow’s $1-billion mite
By Herman M. Lagon The remarkable $1 billion donation of widow Ruth Gottesman to the Albert Einstein College of Medicine stands out as a testament to the lasting power of pure charity in a world full of “quid pro quo” deals. This unprecedented deed, which aims to guarantee free tuition for all students moving forward, not …
The educator’s journey
By Herman M. Lagon Beyond the conventional classroom, educators have other more profound duties. In our local context, teaching is a vocation with unique significance because of its roots in the holistic formation of kids. Education is more than just teaching facts; it is about the entire growth of the intellect and character. In …
Toxic positivity among the youth
By Herman M. Lagon In a society where social media often sets the standard for emotional expression, the growing phenomenon of toxic positivity is pervasive and concerning, especially for youth. In a culture where uncomfortable emotions are habitually minimized or disregarded, our children’s mental health is gravely endangered. Poisonous optimism stems from the belief that …
Firing the hiring epidemic
By Herman M. Lagon (Second of two parts) But what are the possible solutions to this “lagay” (bribe or grease money) and “palakasan” (favoritism, including nepotism, its subset) social epidemic? Strict anti-corruption laws, transparent hiring practices, merit-based recruitment processes, whistleblower protections, and regular audits of hiring activities, among others, can stand as the bulwark against …
The hiring epidemic
By Herman M. Lagon (First of two parts) A pervasive epidemic has long infiltrated our government institutions, with “lagay” (bribe or grease money) and “palakasan” (favoritism, including nepotism, its subset) serving as the virulent pathogens. These unwelcome elements have transformed into a widespread contagion, deeply entrenched in public sector hiring practices, far outstaying their welcome. Sadly …
The worst NBA All-Star showoff
By Herman M. Lagon Last Monday morning (Philippine time), the NBA All-Star Game took center stage in Salt Lake City, and fans were primed for a showcase of the league’s top players. What really happened, though, was a shameful game without any fierce rivalry, a far cry from the illustrious past of basketball greats like …
The sacred Monday oath
By Herman M. Lagon Every early Monday morning, as the Philippine flag is raised and the national anthem is sung, government workers and public officials gather to recite a solemn oath with their right hands raised. This “Panunumpa ng Kawani ng Gobyerno,” a commitment to serve with honesty and excellence, says: “Ako’y kawani ng …
‘Orion and the Dark,’ a must-see Netflix film
By Herman M. Lagon Both young and old have been drawn to the endearing animated film “Orion and the Dark,” which debuted on Netflix this early February 2024. It is based on a children’s novel by Emma Yarlett and narrates the tale of a youngster named Orion who, with the assistance of an odd …