Bago City gov’t to file charges vs. hospital staff

Posted by siteadmin
March 12, 2025

The Bago City government will file charges against some medical personnel at the Bago City Hospital following the reported death of a newborn.

Mayor Nicholas Yulo said the fact-finding committee found that there was substantial evidence that the medical practitioners involved “committed lapses in doing their duties and responsibilities.”

Therefore, the city government recommends the filing of an appropriate administrative charge against them, Yulo said.

The mayor did not reveal the names of the medical practitioners as the Civil Service Commission guidelines provide that the report must be treated as confidential until charges have been brought to the personnel concerned.

City legal officer Aaron Lirazan said as soon as Yulo appoints a hearing officer, the administrative hearing of the complaint will start.

The city government will be the complainant in the case since it involves employees of the Bago City Hospital, he added.

According to the baby’s father, “there was negligence on the part of the hospital staff that caused his son to die and his wife to be in critical condition.”

The mother reported enduring more than 12 hours of labor, and requested a cesarean section due to complications on February 18.

However, she claimed that midwives insisted on a normal delivery.

The parents alleged that some of the attending staff lacked proper training, which they believe contributed to the loss of their child.

According to the baby’s death certificate, his cause of death was due to acute respiratory distress syndrome, severe meconium aspiration, and post-maturity.

Concerns have been raised regarding alleged deficiencies in training for midwives and inadequate equipment at the city hospital, which may have contributed to the baby’s death./WDJ

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