By Dr. Joseph D. Lim
Here’s the latest on career paths that don’t require bachelor’s degrees.
At least not in America. And they’re highly paid too in the U.S. of A.
It’s worth a thought as online classes start and schools re-open for this much-delayed school year.
Based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, recently listed 10 jobs in America that require only an associate’s degree in a related field.
No. 6 on the list are dental hygienists who provide preventative care for patients.
In the US, they assess the oral health conditions of patients, remove tartar and plaque from teeth, apply sealants and fluoride to protect teeth and educate patients about oral hygiene.
The median or average salary of a dental hygienist in America is $76,220 a year. In pesos, that’s about P3.8 million in annual salary. Or P317,000 a month. Not bad.
No. 1 on the list are radiologic and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technologists who operate X-ray machines and MRI scanners that scans the body to produce detailed images of organs and tissues.
They prepare patients for procedures with the machines and work with physicians to evaluate the resulting images. Median salary: $62,280 a year.
X-ray technologists also work with dentists to provide images of the oral cavity.
No. 2 are electrical and electronics engineering technicians who work with electrical engineers to build, test and repair computers, medical devices, communications equipment, and other electronic devices. Median salary: $65,260 a year.
No. 3 are aerospace engineering and operations technicians who operate and maintain equipment used to develop, test and produce aircraft and aircraft operating systems. They build test facilities for aircraft and operate computer simulations tools. Median salary: $66,020 a year.
No. 4 are diagnostic medical sonographers who operate imaging equipment that helps physicians diagnose medical conditions. They also prepare patients for procedures, review the equipment’s test results and keep track of patients’ records. Median salary: $68,750 a year.
No. 5 are web developers who create and maintain websites and sometimes even input content. Median salary: $73,760 a year.
No. 7 are nuclear medicine technologists who use radioactive drugs, for example in cancer therapy. They prepare patients for procedures, administer the drugs and monitor patients health conditions. Median salary: $77,950 a year.
No. 8 are nuclear technicians who work with physicists and engineers on nuclear energy production or research. They operate and maintain equipment, note radiation levels produced and teach colleagues about radiation safety procedures. Median salary: $82,080 a year.
No. 9 are radiation therapists who administer radiation treatments to patients with cancer and other diseases. They operate the machinery that administers the radiation and monitor the patient’s treatment. Median salary: $85,560 a year.
Finally in No. 10 are air traffic controllers who monitor and direct the movement of aircraft on the ground or in the air.
These are the airport personnel who issue takeoff and landing instructions, notify pilots about weather patterns or runway closures and control surrounding ground traffic. Median salary: $122,990 a year.
Dr. Joseph D. Lim is the former Associate Dean of the UE College of Dentistry, former Dean of the College of Dentistry, National University, past president and honorary fellow of the Asian Oral Implant Academy, and honorary fellow of the Japan College of Oral Implantologists. Honorary Life Member of Thai Association of Dental Implantology. For questions on dental health, e-mail or text 0917-8591515./WDJ