NegOcc guv’s exec assistant relieved of duties

Posted by watchmen
August 3, 2024



The executive assistant of Negros Occidental Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson has been relieved of his duties due to loss of trust and confidence.

Provincial Legal Office (PLO) head Atty. Alberto Nellas, Jr. said the relief of Executive Assistant IV Francis Velez took effect on Tuesday, July 30.

Nellas said they did not continue to conduct an administrative investigation against Velez because Lacson exercised his privilege to remove political appointees that he could no longer trust.

However, Nellas assured that Velez was given the opportunity to explain as part of the due process.

PLO’s initial investigation found that Velez allegedly misused his authority by signing purchase requests for furniture repairs without approval from the Office of the Provincial Governor.

In July, a show-cause order was issued against Velez due to alleged irregularities in the procurement of furniture repairs amounting to P129,200.

According to Nellas, Velez’s responsibilities as executive assistant included signing purchase requests and acting as head of the Office of the Provincial Governor.

Lacson has yet to appoint a replacement for Velez./JB, WDJ

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