NegOcc bulk water project bidding postponed

Posted by watchmen
June 29, 2024



The bidding for the Negros Occidental Bulk Water Supply Project, initially set last Thursday, June 27, has been rescheduled for October 28, Provincial Legal Office head and Acting Provincial Administrator Alberto Nellas, Jr. said.

Nellas said the bidders requested an extension to prepare better proposals for the project.

Four bidders submitted written manifestations for an extension, while others chose to access their virtual data room.

A bidder failed to submit its proposal on Thursday, prompting the provincial government to reschedule the bidding.

Once the bidding process is completed, the project contract will be awarded to the winning bidder.

The P1.2 billion project aims to provide a reliable and sustainable supply of clean water to the cities of Talisay, Silay and Victorias, as well as the municipalities of E.B. Magalona and Manapla, and capital Bacolod City.

The provincial government’s project is designed to provide 34.5 million liters of clean water per day, catering to the growing demand for potable water in the province.

The project is expected to benefit thousands of residents and ensure a steady supply of clean water for domestic and commercial use./JB, WDJ

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