While extreme heat and below-normal rainfall prevail over the El Niño phenomenon, the Southeast Asian Fisheries and Development Center (Seafdec) Aquaculture Department (AQD) says these environmental changes also present an opportunity for aquaculture, particularly in milkfish production.
Seafdec-AQD chief Dan Baliao recognized that despite fish farmers relying on freshwater species, such as tilapia and catfish, will be especially challenged by El Niño, those farming brackish and marine species like milkfish, pompano, among others, may seize the opportunities that the dry and warm season brings.
Baliao shared that the milkfish breeders of the research center at Tigbauan Main Station are currently spawning daily, and their hatcheries are mostly filled with larvae.
“The heat exacerbated by El Niño provides an advantage for breeders, as the relatively high-water temperatures stimulate milkfish metabolism, leading to spawning and ample egg and larvae production,” said Baliao.
During El Niño, the absence of heavy rainfall is also an advantage for milkfish ponds with natural food production.
In a statement, Seafdec revealed that the lack of rainfall encourages better pond preparation for the growth of natural food sources such as “lab-lab” (a naturally occurring mat of benthic algae) that thrives in brackishwater fishponds but dissipates when exposed to rain.
Baliao said that fishpond operators can save on supplemental feeding if they take advantage of good lab-lab growth during dry spells because it is a robust source of fish nutrition.
However, he also suggested good water management during the tidal cycle and warned that farmers should take extra care by maintaining desirable pond water levels and stocking densities because extreme heat followed by a sudden rainfall can cause fish kills.
“Farmers ought to stock only the recommended density of 2,500 to 3,000 milkfish fingerlings per hectare. Stocking beyond what is recommended would necessitate additional investment in artificial feeds and life support systems,” he added.
Baliao further encouraged farmers to engage in proactive pond management to prepare for the gradual return of the rainy season.
Activities such as pond preparation, application of organic fertilizers, and liming are prioritized during this favorable weather period, setting the stage for successful runs when rainfall resumes.
The aquaculture department also emphasized the importance of utilizing the dry and warm months to grow more brackish and marine species such as milkfish as aquaculture and farming smarter are not only attributed to weather conditions but are also relative to harmonizing with nature.
To note, the Seafdec-AQD has been assisting the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in preparing feasibility studies, identifying suitable sites, designing the government’s legislated hatcheries, and other research and development regarding the industry. (PIA-6)