NegOcc PVO continues info drive on dry spell effects on livestock

Posted by watchmen
February 19, 2024


By Dominique Gabriel G. Bañaga

The Negros Occidental Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO) intensified their information campaign to local raisers on how they could take better care of their livestock amid the dry spell caused by the El Niño phenomenon.

PVO head, Dr. Placeda Lemana said they continue to remind raisers about the dangers of exposing their livestock to high temperatures.

Lemana reminded raisers that they should provide proper ventilation and hydration for their livestock, and avoid leaving them out in the sun for extended periods of time.

She advised them to vaccinate and deworm their livestock, as well as give them vitamin supplements.

The PVO has not recorded any livestock mortalities in the province.

Local veterinarians were also advised to continue their information caravan.

Previously, Lemana warned of heat-related illnesses among livestock, such as pneumonia and flu, as well as stunted growth./DGB, WDJ

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