SRA: Sugar should only be sold at P80 to P85 per kilo

Posted by watchmen
December 2, 2023


Prices of sugar have risen and fallen over the past few months, while its overall price is generally on the downtrend, the Sugar Regulatory Administration says. (PNA / File photo)
Prices of sugar have risen and fallen over the past few months, while its overall price is generally on the downtrend, the Sugar Regulatory Administration says. (PNA / File photo)

By Dominique Gabriel G. Bañaga

The Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) said sugar prices should only be at P80 to P85 per kilogram, amid reports that several stores are selling the commodity at P100 per kilo.

SRA head Pablo Luis Azcona said the farmgate prices of sugar have risen and fallen over the past few months, while its overall price is generally on the downtrend.

Azcona said the supply of sugar in the country is enough, and they do not see the need for importation.

He said that farmgate sugar prices have gone down by as much as P10 per kilogram, but they do not see it in retail.

The SRA head added that usually the farmgate price goes down before the Christmas holidays, as farmers hope for a more stable price.

However, for the business sector and retailers, the price is being raised alongside the demand.

“We don’t want that, and we’ll try our best not to allow it,” Azcona said.

Azcona said the SRA is mulling imposing a suggested retail price on sugar.

“We are finding means and ways for the government to come in and see how to help the farmers and the retail consumers,” he said.

He added that there is enough supply of sugar for the upcoming holidays as demand is expected to increase./DGB, WDJ

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