The Negros Oriental Provincial Police Office (NOPPO) simultaneously carried out the order to shut down Small Town Lottery (STL) operations on Thursday evening, March 9, after the termination of Four Aces’ STL Authority to operate.
This was in line with the memorandum order issued by the NOPPO on the termination of Four Aces’ STL Authority to Operate, under a letter from the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO).
That letter from PCSO General Manager Melquiades Robles was addressed to Christopher Santiago, President of Four Aces Resources Management Group Corporation, informing him of the termination by PCSO of the Agency Agreement and Authority to Operate STL in Negros Oriental.
The police office has been directed to visit the STL booths and outlets and ensure that they have ceased operations with a report to be submitted by 10:00 p.m.
Lt. Colonel Richard Gadingan, Tanjay City police chief, told the Philippine News Agency on yesterday afternoon that as early as 7:00 p.m., all STL booths in the area were already closed by the time his men arrived for inspection.
Other police stations also reported the same, saying no apprehensions were made as the STL operators already had a copy of the PCSO order. (PNA)