“To live is to keep going forward.” – Anonymous

Going forward. These two words are easier said than done.
Whether you are experiencing grief over the loss of someone, or get your heart broken over a breakup…
Whether you failed a test or you lost a job…
Whether it feels like your dream is slipping away from your grasp…
Whether friendships are broken, or the family falls apart…
Even when you feel so down or stump…
Move forward.
Life has thrown us many things; things that make us happy and sad, things that make us laugh and cry, and things that make us want to live or even die. There is no easy road when it comes to living life. Even the happiest people we see have their pains and hurt deep inside.
That is why I often wonder how I can make my life worth every breath I take. And I am sure that it is not only me who ponders on it.
Moving on and going forward is a difficult challenge for each of us. We have different experiences as well as coping mechanisms. What works well for me may not work well for someone else.
But, you know what we have in common? We are experiencing difficulties that we think we can’t handle.
Moving on and going forward do not mean you have to forget. In reality, what you need is acceptance. Accepting things as they are – including pain and suffering – is one way to finally let go of whatnots. Accepting lets you take one progressive step at a time. This will keep you away from things and people that hold you down.
Your past does not define who you are and who you will become. So, no matter how hard it was for you, the “you” today holds the key to making your life better. It is the present you that matters. The moment you open your eyes to a brand new day means you have the chance to advance towards the life you want… the life you deserve.
That makes me want to share what truly keeps me going in the hopes that people can take inspiration from it. I only have three: faith, purpose and self-love.
Mastering faith and self-love brought me in a good place. It helped me become a better version of myself. But honestly, I am still unsure of my purpose. However, I think being able to write like this is one of them.
That is why I am happy to be given a chance to revamp my column with Watchmen Daily Journal. After years of being inactive, I now have a new space dedicated to mental health, self-improvement, and everything in between. I hope that through this simple way, my writing can help you deal with your own issues. And like me, I hope you can also free yourself from your darkest hours and find happiness again.
My space – this space – is also your space.
You and I, together, let’s keep GOING FORWARD… from now on.
Facebook: skyxqueen@yahoo.com
Instagram: @queenam17/WDJ