Posted by watchmen
July 5, 2021
Posted in BUSINESS

People tend to believe that getting insured while staying invested is only for the wealthy, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Insular Life(InLife) is re-issuing its most popular, easy to apply to and affordable life insurance with investment plan called the Wealth Secure Guaranteed Issue Offer (Wealth Secure GIO).  

“We wanted the public and their families to stay financially protected in a convenient way, as well as to benefit from the economic rebound that we expect as we move forward and recover from the pandemic,” said InLife Chief Marketing Officer Gae L. Martinez.

Further, Martinez added that “by offering this product specifically to millennials, young people and basically anyone who wishes to start their risk protection and investment journey, enjoy the present with less worries and will also have an opportunity to grow their money so they can make their dreams come true through Wealth Secure GIO.”

Wealth Secure GIO is an easy application process because it is done online through an InLife financial advisor and requires no medical examinations.

“The reason it’s called a guaranteed issue offer is because applicants, 18-60 years, are automatically approved,” said Martinez.

This means that policyholders will have the dual benefit of having an affordable security blanket and an investment portfolio at the same time.

Wealth Secure GIO starts at P30,000 per year or for as low as P2,500 per month that can be paid for at least 10 years. The minimum insurance benefits will be five times (5X) of the yearly investment premium.

Wealth Secure GIO is a financial solution suitable for first jobbers, who want to protect their families’ future, and who also wish to enter the stock market, the money market or other investment portfolio, but may not have enough funds to do it on their own.

“We hope that through this product, more and more young Filipinos will be able to prepare for the future, take advantage of this guaranteed issue opportunity for a life insurance plan and be able to invest in one or several of the eight funds managed by our investment team ” Martinez said.

These investment funds are: Money Market, Fixed Income, Balanced Fund, Equity Fund, Growth Fund, Select Equities Fund, Guardian Fund, and ONE Fund.

To apply for this product and know which of these funds are perfect for you visit or call 02-8-876-1800. You may alsoe-mail to get in touch with an InLife Financial Advisor. (PR)

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