Ex-prov’l agriculturist still in ‘hot water’ despite retirement

Posted by watchmen
July 5, 2021

By Dominique Gabriel G. Bañaga

Ex-provincial agriculturist Atty. Japhet Masculino is not spared from the ongoing investigation against him despite retiring from the post last June 30.

Provincial Legal Officer, Atty. Alberto Nellas, Jr., said until Masculino doesn’t clear up his cases, he cannot process his clearances once the administrative proceedings against him begins once the findings of the investigation are released.

Nellas explained that Masculino could face a major setback if he is found guilty, as his retirement and other benefits could be forfeited.

However, the provincial legal officer explained that there are still no findings so far, as they are still currently waiting for Masculino’s answer to the three show cause orders issued to him.

So far two have already been answered.

Masculino’s show cause orders are related to the P1 million unpaid catering services back in 2018, the under specs of the two grain dryers received by the Office of Provincial Agriculturist (OPA), and the 23 communal irrigation projects of the Department of Agriculture which were being implemented by OPA with a budget of P45 million which have yet to be completed./DGB, WDJ


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