Border curbs remain in NegOcc

Posted by watchmen
July 2, 2021
Posted in HEADLINE

By Dominique Gabriel G. Bañaga

The border controls in Negros Occidental remained the same despite the province’s quarantine status being downgraded to the more stricter general community quarantine (GCQ).

Provincial Incident Management Team head Dr. Zeaphard Caelian said even before the recent declaration of the GCQ, Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson had already released an order for stringent border controls to curb the spread of coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19.

Caelian said incoming travelers and returning residents from outside Western Visayas are required to secure documents via the S-PaSS system, register via the contact tracing app, and present 72-hour negative RT-PCR test result.

“For the returning residents please stop fooling yourselves by securing fake documents and RT-PCR tests from unscrupulous people,” Caelian said. “It would still be the same, if you arrive we will still swab you. Not only are you putting yourself and everybody else in danger if you test positive for COVID-19, but you will also be held responsible for bringing the virus to the province.”

He also appealed to travelers to cooperate as the province’s protocol is for everyone’s safety.

Negros Occidental is under GCQ until July 31 of this year./DGB, WDJ

The Provincial Incident Management Team releases a total of 1,546 vials of Sinovac vaccines to various local government units in the province on Thursday, July 1. (Provincial Government of Negros Occidental photos)

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