All the news is focused on the coronavirus disease, or Covid-19, and the reactions are varies among the public. Time is running out and it is not surprising to see some election officials acting swiftly. However, for some, there is a lot of talk and consultations before decisions are made and such “slow-poke” officials get blamed while the no-nonsense politicos receive appreciative gestures.
If one is a disciplined Filipino, do they obey government orders to stay home? Do they practice social distancing (or, as I call it, “safe distancing”)? Obedience is a factor in what makes one a disciplined individual. Unfortunately, there are Filipino so angry with national leadership, anything President Rodrigo Duterte or his official says is never good enough. It comes to the point where opposition insults him. However, have these people examined themselves? What good have they done for the country?
It is difficult to determine what these people want. They clamor for the president ouster on social media as if they would know what to do in his position.
In these times, we should be one.
Those complaining are receiving material blessings from the Almighty and they may lose them.
The country is fortunate to have a strong-willing president. What would happen in this situation if it were a man unable to even handle a hostage incident? Then, not even apologize to the victims?
A lockdown of Negros Occidental is currently under consideration, why? Hard-headed Filipino unable to obey quarantine rules. Everybody continues to walk around for no reason.
Pasig City Mayor Vico Sotto and San Juan City Mayor Francis Zamora have surprised the nation with the effective policies; while Iloilo City Mayor Jerry P. Treñas sit alone when facing the media (no wonder the business community is extending tons of support to the city’s efforts).
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This column greets all provincial leaders of Negros Occidental; mayors of Negros Occidental; healthcare workers and frontliners; donors of food, health and hygiene materials, and alcohol; and those sacrificing their lives./WDJ