Following reports claiming former Bacolod City Police Office (BCPO) deputy director, Police Lt. Colonel Jovie Espenido, was relieved of his post due to alleged links to illegal drugs, Police Regional Office-6 (PRO-6) spokesperson, Police Lt. Colonel Joem Malong, said the circumstances are not clear and the office is taking a “hands off” approach to the report.
“Kung ano man ang reason ngaa gin-relieve sya wala ang PRO-6 nakahibalo sang rason (PRO-6 is unaware of the reason why he was relieved from his post),” the police official explained.
She went on to say, they cannot confirm anything due to his short stint in the region.
Aside from serving as BCPO deputy director, he was also assigned to lead the City Drug Enforcement Unit.
The law enforcement official previously made headlines following high-profile deaths in jurisdictions he led, including Ozamiz City Mayor Reynaldo Parojinog in 2017 and Rolando Espinosa, mayor of Albuera, Leyte, in 2016.
President Rodrigo Duterte earlier ordered Espenido’s assignment to Bacolod City claiming the locality has been “badly hit” by illegal drugs./WDJ