Policeman involved in Hinigaran, Pontevedra shootings arrested

Posted by watchmen
January 31, 2020

Suspect released after posting bail
By Dominique Gabriel G. Bañaga

The police officer involved in separate shooting incidents in Hinigaran and Pontevedra last August was recently served an arrest warrant. The warrant seeking the arrest of Police Corporal Romnick Ace Pacificar was issued earlier this month by Judge Mila Yap-Camiso of the La Carlota City Regional Trial Court-Branch 74.
According to the Negros Occidental Police Provincial Office (NOPPO), the officer in question was arrested on charges of frustrated homicide in Pontevedra’s Barangay 1 and was detained at the Pontevedra Municipal Police Station.
Based on official records recounting the incident, Pacificar and two companions were in Hinigaran preparing to have drinks when the suspect confronted 20-year-old Jiene Mar Baya. While the two were engaged in conversation, Pacificar reportedly opened fire at Baya, wounding the latter in the neck.
The suspect then proceeded to flee aboard a motorcycle and was involved in an accident in Pontevedra, which was witnessed by Aldwin Provido and Billy Mindanao. As the two attempted to help, Pacificar allegedly opened fire at Provido, while Mindanao was struck by a stray bullet.
All the victims survived the shootings and Pacificar surrendered to the Pontevedra Municipal Police Station after the incident.
After being served his warrant, he was later released after posting bail.
Meanwhile, aside from criminal charges, Pacificar also faces a probe before the National Police Commission-Region VI./DGB, WDJ

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