Last month, my wife Mini Javellana-Jimenez celebrated her birthday alongside Presally Orendain-de los Reyes, Joy Tendencia, Annabel Segaya, Myla Martin, Cristy Fe Jesena, Aleli Callejo, and Ma. Carla Demadara. Each celebrant invited their immediate families and closest friends and I hosted the event.
The Riverside College classmates all turned 50 this year.
Relatives and friends shared a song or dance and each celebrant had their own birthday cake!
It was a night to remember./WDJ
My wife Mini Javellana-Jimenez celebrated her birthday alongside Presally Orendain-de los Reyes, Joy Tendencia, Annabel Segaya, Myla Martin, Cristy Fe Jesena, Aleli Callejo, and Ma. Carla Demadara.Myself with my wife Mini Javellana-Jimenez and our daughter, SophiaMini Javellana-Jimenez with her sister Leah Javellana and close friend Pamela ChanMini Javellana-Jimenez and Presally Orendain-delos ReyesMini Javellana-Jimenez’ guestsMini Javellana-Jimenez and her cousin Raymund JavellanaMini Javellana-Jimenez with Ritchie Macabane, Sophia Jimenez, Nicole J. Locsin, and Leah JavellanaMyself with Philip and Tata Lacson