According to the Bureau of Immigration, a total of 7,724 foreign nationals were denied entry into the Philippines in 2019, a 65 percent increase from the prior year when 4,679 aliens were turned back.
“They were turned back by immigration officers who, after the conduct of primary and secondary inspections, found that they were improperly documented or ineligible to enter and stay in the Philippines,” explained Commissioner Jaime Morente. “A foreigner may be excluded if he is improperly documented or the immigration officer deems that his presence or stay here is inimical to the national interest and public welfare.”
The bureau official noted, those who are denied entry are immediately booked on the first flight back to their point of origin.
Most of the individuals turned away were of Chinese origin, totaling 3,527.
Morente also noted, convicted sex offenders, rude passengers, and blacklisted foreigners were also barred entry.
“We are ensuring that our borders are tightly guarded to prevent the entry of illegal aliens who might abuse our hospitality,” the commissioner stated./WDJ