Biñas: The ultimatum from Malacañang has ‘come and gone’
After street vendors across Bacolod City were cleared from city streets as part of a nationwide order from President Rodrigo Duterte, Bacolod City Police Office (BCPO) director, Police Colonel Henry Biñas, said they will be extending considerations to street vendors as part of the “spirit of Christmas.”
“Since it’s Christmas, we will not confiscate the items they are selling,” the law enforcement official stated. “For those selling along the sidewalks, we will issue a reprimand and order them to transfer to the Bacolod Public Plaza.
Bacolod City Mayor Evelio Leonardia earlier responded to requests from local vendors associations and issued an executive order allowing vendors to set up at the Bacolod Public Plaza.
Biñas noted the previous ultimatum issued by Malacañang Palace has “come and gone.”
Bacolod City Councilor Renato Novero, who chairs the committee overseeing the program, earlier said fruit vendors will be located along the Luzuriaga Street side of the plaza, ready-to-wear goods along Gatuslao Street, and foods will be on sale along San Juan Street.
The city official said the program will “give happiness as well as entertainment.”
Novero also affirmed the move was to accommodate for vendors affected by the presidential order./DGB, WDJ