Ceneco reminds consumers about billing, disconnection policies

Posted by watchmen
December 3, 2019
Posted in HEADLINE

The Central Negros Electric Cooperative Inc. (Ceneco) issued a reminder to consumers yesterday on their various billing policies, along with the process of disconnection.
Among the points highlighted include ensuring bills are paid within nine days of receipt and that all payments are made at authorized outlets.
In terms of disconnection, the local utility co-op noted disconnections are made only after the due date and are conducted two days after receiving a notice. They also discouraged waiting for a disconnection notice before paying one’s bill.
Ceneco conducts disconnections between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except on holidays.
If disconnected, consumers who pay their outstanding bill before 2:00 p.m. on the day they were cut off will have their power restored the following day. If a consumer fails to apply for reconnection within 10 days, an inspection will be conducted to ensure no illegal reconnections were made.
Ceneco earlier announced November residential rates had dropped by 30¢, down from P9.7008 per kilowatt hour (kWh) the prior month to P9.4019/kWh./WDJ

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