In observance of their 50th year of service, the Sugar Industry Foundation, Inc. (SIFI) is holding a story-writing competition, which is open to all past and current SIFI beneficiaries.
The story must be written in English, constructed in essay form, from a first person perspective, and a maximum 2,500 words. It can be about a struggle, life-changing circumstance, or detail a hard life that was positively changed by SIFI.
Final submissions are due on December 15, 2019.
The winning story will be translated into a screenplay and produced into a short film, which will be screened during the golden anniversary celebration next year. The winner will be expected to appear and cooperate in the filming.
In addition, SIFI will award the winner a P20,000 license fee cash award.
Only one entry is allowed per contributor and each participant must submit a resume with photo and one recommendation letter from a planter’s association, sugar mill, or SIFI staff as proof of authenticity.
For inquiries or further information about the competition, please contact 435-7863 or visit sugarindustryfoundation.inc.