“The Lord will bring a nation against you from far away, from the ends of the earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand, a fierce-looking nation without respect for the old or pity for the young. They will devour the young of your livestock and the crops of your land until you are destroyed. They will leave you no grain, new wine or olive oil, nor any calves of your herds or lambs of your flocks until you are ruined…” –Deuteronomy 28:49-51
Engr. Ferris Tangco III asked on Twitter: “Has the China invasion of the Philippines begun, as shown by a compound in Ilocos Norte, which is alleged to be filled with warehouse materials belonging to, and which contains flags of, the People’s Republic of China?” I hope the Marcoses can explain this and clarify the matter. Are we permitting the flags of other countries, especially China, to fly publicly?
However, it one looks at the matter, China’s invasion and occupation of the Philippines went unimpeded, which has resulted in the thousands upon thousands of Chinese national spread across Metro Manila, residing in high-rise condominiums. There is also the Chinese military station in the open seas, located west of the Philippines.
No one can deny the truth. There is a rampaging flood of Chinese national in different cities and municipalities across the Philippines and I am convinced rich, Filipino businessmen must explain why they seem to have anticipated (even prepared to profit from) the influx.
I have been asking the same question: Why have the rich Filipino-Chinese in our midst been trying to outdo one another in putting up expensive and expansive condominium projects when the majority of our countrymen cannot afford a unit? It has been very clear, those pushing to put up condominium projects had foreigners in mind as potential customers, those who have the capacity to buy with their wallets or bank accounts. I have been asking for an explanation on this construction boom repeatedly but no one was listening (or wanted to listen).
An inspection and investigation in all condominium projects across the country must be conducted by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board, Bureau of Immigration, Philippine National Police, and Armed Forces of the Philippines. I am willing to bet the investigation yields a treasure trove of foreign-sounding names.
Reactions? Please call 0977-805-9058, 0918-574-0193, or 0933-825-1308; message me on Facebook at Melanio Lazo Mauricio, Jr. or attybatas; or email batasmauricio@yahoo.com or mmauriciojr111@gmail.com /WDJ