“…If you listen to the Lord your God and obey His commands… all of these blessings will come upon you…” –Deuteronomy 28:1-2
It is devastating to hear stories about people dying on their way to Metro Manila hospitals due to their ambulances being stuck in traffic. What is truly sad is that it shows how Filipinos (and the foreigners that live with them) have strayed from basic spiritual principles that could be utilized to solve the ongoing traffic problems.
What are these principles? “Love God above all else,” “Love others as we love ourselves.” If God is loved above all else, he will be listened to and obeyed, which directs one to “Love others as we love ourselves.” Since there is no love for God, there is no love for one’s fellow man.
Since motorists are greedy and self-serving, they ruin traffic patterns because they refuse to wait in line, are unwilling to wait their turn, and not giving way to other drivers. They only love themselves and, because of that, they always choose to overtake others on the road—at all costs, regardless if it causes others to stall, stop, or hold up traffic altogether. These drivers lack patience and believe the world “owes” them a fast lane; and they see others as “accidental beings” obliged to serve their personal needs. In short, they are controlled by the devil.
God is the only answer
I call on believers to respond to the traffic problem by reading the Bible and obeying everything in its verses. Change is not going to come from anyone as it can only come from God, whose power will be manifested through believers who are willing to sacrifice their time towards listening to God, obeying His commands, and living up to the rigorous—yet righteous—standards.
All believers should therefore work towards achieving this change.
Start with oneself; strive to change and consciously work towards being totally dependent on the Word of God. The time is now!
Reactions? Please call 0977-805-9058, 0918-574-0193, or 0933-825-1308; message me on Facebook at Melanio Lazo Mauricio, Jr. or attybatas; or email batasmauricio@yahoo.com or mmauriciojr111@gmail.com/WDJ