Sagay City barangays meet to affirm commitment to fight dengue fever

Posted by watchmen
September 7, 2019

Representatives from Sagay City’s 25 barangays recently gathered at the city gymnasium to affirm their commitment to fighting dengue fever. Former City Councilor Jose Frange spoke on behalf of Mayor Alfredo Marañon III and stated, “I call everyone to help one another to make our city dengue free.”
The event urged officials to observe the “4 o’clock habit” and encouraged everyone to clean their surroundings at 4:00 p.m. in an effort to prevent mosquito breeding places.
“We have implemented preventive measures such as fogging and cleaning up our vicinity to clear breeding places of mosquitoes and other insects,” he added.
Kaye Navarro of the Negros Occidental Provincial Health Office also addressed the event and further explained the “4 o’clock habit.”
“Through the implementation of ‘Sabayang 4 o’clock Habit,’ we are able to search and destroy the breeding places of mosquitoes,” she said. “Teach our people to help us in preventing dengue by cleaning our environment.”
Meanwhile, a citywide caravan was also held to spread the message of eradicating dengue fever from the city./WDJ

Representatives from Sagay City’s 25 barangays recently gathered at the city gymnasium to affirm their commitment to fighting dengue fever.
A citywide caravan was also held to spread the message of eradicating dengue fever from Sagay City.

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