Following a 29¢ increase for July rates, the Central Negros Electric Cooperative Inc. (Ceneco) announced rates for August will see a 33¢ spike, rising from last month’s P11.0103 per kilowatt hour (kWh) to P11.3357/kWh.
According to a statement from the utility co-op, they attributed the increase to the power rate, which includes generation charges, transmission charges, and system loss; lifeline and senior citizen subsidies; adjustments to the generation rate adjustment mechanism, which the National Power Corporation uses to recover deferred fuel costs; and the incremental currency exchange rate adjustment, which is used to determine costs relative to currency rate fluctuations.
The greater portion of the increases came with the power rate, which saw a 25¢ boost, rising from P7.9807/kWh to 8.2335/kWh.
Following intermittent power interruptions reported across Bacolod City earlier this month, the utility co-op blamed the incidents on inclement weather.
In addition, they also put out a release blaming power interruptions on poor weather and down tree branches./WDJ