Consumer lawyer recommends PPP for Baciwa

Posted by watchmen
August 28, 2019
Posted in HEADLINE

Atty. Enrique Tabino, a lawyer who represents Bacolod City Water District (Baciwa) consumer, said it is “high time” the local utility firm enter into a public-private partnership (PPP). He cited financial limitations as a reason for the proposal.
“The finances of Baciwa [are] limited in so far as operation is concerned,” he explained.
Tabino added, “The PPP will protect the interest of the employees.”
The attorney also pointed out, there are several applications pending before Baciwa but the firm is unable to proceed due to a lack of a reliable water source.
He also discussed the P50 million loan borrowed from the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA).
“To this day, Baciwa is still paying for the interest—with no improvement,” Tabino stated.
Meanwhile, Bacolod City Councilor Wilson Gamboa, Jr. continued to lambast members of the Baciwa board regarding the proposed joint venture with PrimeWater Infrastructure Corporation, calling it a “take over and not a partnership investment.”
Several barangays in the city have already passed resolutions calling the joint venture “grossly disadvantageous to Baciwa, its employees, and, most importantly, to the residents.”
The resolutions noted, “As soon as the joint venture is approved, a 12 percent value added tax will be applied to water delivered.”/DGB, WDJ

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