Depression after electoral defeat

Posted by watchmen
May 21, 2019
Posted in OPINION

“People who have never dealt with depression think it’s just being sad or being in a bad mood. That’s not what depression is for me; it’s falling into a state of grayness and numbness.” –Dan Reynolds


A certain politician, who was unsuccessful in their 2019 electoral bid, blamed God for “allowing the glitter of money to prevail” over a “sincere intention to serve the people.” Their reason for the loss: “I didn’t have the money to buy votes.”

“I already made a lot of sacrifices and I could feel that I was the people’s choice from the very beginning,” they insisted. “But money prevailed and I can’t understand why God has allowed it.”

With their inability to accept defeat and difficulty in moving on, they may be depressed.

According to Dr. H.K. Bakhru of the Nature Cure Practitioners’ Guild based in Mumbai, India, “Depression may be manifested in varying degrees: From feelings of slight sadness to utter misery and dejection.”



The doctor offers a general description of depression, one that is often repeated in numerous publications: “Depression is a very unpleasant malady and is far more difficult to cope with than a physical ailment. The growing complexities of modern life and its resultant crises, as well as the mental stress and strain of day-to-day life, usually leads to the disorder.”

He went on to list the various symptoms experienced by those afflicted with the disorder including an acute sense of loss, inexplicable sadness, loss of energy, lack of interest in the world around them, fatigue, disturbed sleep, loss of appetite, giddiness, itching, nausea, agitation, irritability, impotence or frigidity, constipation, aches and pains all over the body, lack of concentration, and indecisiveness.

In cases of severe depression, Bakhru said patients may experience low body temperature, low blood pressure, hot flushes, and shivering.

Prolonged periods of anxiety and tension can cause mental depression, he added.



In terms of remedies, Bakhru suggests being more active, turning away from themselves, and diverting attention to others.

“Exercise plays an important role in the treatment of depression,” the doctor explained. “It not only keeps the body physically and mentally fit, but also provides recreation and mental relaxation.”

In his book “Natural Home Remedies for Common Ailments,” Bakhru calls exercise “nature’s best tranquilizer.”

“Exercise also tones up the body, provides a feeling of accomplishment, and reduces the sense of helplessness,” he added. “The pleasure of achieving something overcomes distress or misery,” he added.

Meditation is also key.

“The patient must also learn the art of relaxation and meditation, which will go a long way in curing depression.” The doctor explained. “[They] must gain control over [their] nervous system and channelize [their] mental and emotional energies into restful activities.”

“Meditations will help create a balance in the nervous system,” he added. “This will enable the hormonal glands to return to a correct state of hormonal balance and thereby overcome the feeling of depression.”

Bakhru also recommends eating apples, cashews, and asparagus; along with incorporating cardamom, lemon balm, and rose in their diet.

He also emphasized the importance of Vitamin B.


Alex P. Vidal, who is now based in New York City, used to be the editor of two local dailies in Iloilo./WDJ

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