NOPSSCEA continues to collect medals
By Adrian Stewart Co
The Negros Occidental Private School Sports, Cultural and Educational Association (NOPSSCEA) continued to add to their medal tally in the 2019 Western Visayas Private Schools Athletic Association (WVPRISAA) Meet, which is currently taking place in Bacolod City.
Negrense athletes did well in athletics.
Antonette Jay Aguillon, Krisha Dedoyco Aguillon, Hannah Jandra Boteros Delotavo, and Bea Delotavo captured gold in the secondary girls’ 4×100 meter relay; while both Aguillons, Boteros Delotavo, and May Therese Gula won silver in the 4×400 meter relay event. In addition, Antonette Aguillon won silver in the triple jump, Boteros Delotavo captured silver in the 200-meter dash, Gula won silver in the 800-meter event and bronze in the 3000-meter event, Krisha Aguillon won bronze in the 200-meter run, and Delotavo captured the 400-meter hurdles.
In other athletics events, Jaden Gil Rivera won silver in the 800-meter event and bronze in the 3000-meter event, while Joshua Brian Santander took home bronze in 800-meter event.
Among other events, NOPSSCEA finished runner-up in both tertiary women’s and men’s volleyball./ASC, WDJ